Fleetwood Mac in Chicago

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Fleetwood Mac

Chicago, Illinois

Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

Mick Fleetwood

Chicago, Illinois

Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

Peter Green

Chicago, Illinois

Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

Jeremy Spencer and Buddy Guy

Chicago, Illinois

Jeremy Spencer of Fleetwood Mac and Buddy Guy  at Chess Records in Chicago

Peter Green

Chicago, Illinois

Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

Peter Green  and Danny Kirwan

Chicago, Illinois

Peter Green and Danny Kirwin of Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

 Danny Kirwan

Chicago, Illinois

Danny Kirwin of Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

Otis Spann

Chicago, Illinois

Otis Spann at Chess Records in Chicago

Big Walter Horton, Danny Kirwin and Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac

Chicago, Illinois

Big Walter Horton, Danny Kirwin and Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac at Chess Records in Chicago

Buddy Guy

Chicago, Illinois

Buddyb Guy at Chess Records in Chicago

hello world!
The Chicago Photo Collection
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