Lloyd has spent a great deal of time documenting both Cook County Jail and Stateville prison.
Note: Stateville closed at the end of 2024, so these photos are of historical importance.
People arrested, at district police stations coming into CCJ holding cells for processing
Jail Detainees waiting in a holding cell for court appearances
Exercise yard for inmates
Confiscated weapons, made by inmates, taken during cell searches
Prison Guard checks confiscated weapons into evidence room at Stateville.
“They shot me in the head, on the street. But I didn’t go down to the ground”.
“They brought me here, from Chicago. I ain’t slept for 3 days”.
Female guard talks to inmate who didn’t have a mirror. To see things outside of his cell, he had to stick his head out of the cell door’s chuckhole
New inmates are stripped searched, photographed, showered then sent behind the prison walls to do their time.
F House- housed the worst inmates
Stateville in a basement storage area- Electric Chairs(no longer in use) one from the State the other from Cook County- during an electrocution a prisoner's hair would catch fire and sometimes their eyeballs would melt, so a helmut, on each chair, was placed onto their heads so that witnesses wouldn't be subjected to such visual horror-1993