People have been hanging clothes out to dry since forever began but that is not why I chose to photograph them and their wash. I like the dynamic, anthropomorphic shapes of laundry dancing on a line; it provides a fertile stage set for portraits, found moments, odd fictions, and melodramas.
Also, I use laundry lines to get my foot in the door.
These images are produced by the seat of my pants. There is no scouting, planning or advance team easing my accress. IO just keep my eye out for laundry lines! When I see one I present myself like a door-to-door salesman, having no idea who is going to answer. I deliver my short pitch: the subject’s time plus a model release in exchange for a print or a fee. Despite getting the feeling on occasion that my subjects are humoring a madman, I usually win their approval. Only twice has my proplosal been turned down.
This book was published in 2016
Harvey and June with Dakota Farofield
Tony Taylor - Augusta, KY -1996
John Lee, and Bobby Carrie